Our company has an extensive IT network dispersed on both coasts. It includes 40 employees on the road using a handheld custom software system, as well as four servers in our home office running an expensive enterprise resource planning system, and workstations for field support. Some time ago, we were hit by a ransomware attack, which cost us $20,000 in damages and lost revenues.

CST recommended that we implement the Datto data protection platform. They were able to deploy it easily and quickly. Now, if we have any incidents, we can continue to access our data with no downtime, no disruption to our business, and we avoid the high cost of rebuilding our custom software. I get daily emails confirming that our system is backed up and protected, so I can sleep at night.

CST is extremely responsive, and their fees are a fraction of what it would cost to have a full-time IT staff. Whenever we have an issue, I know I can get someone who knows what he’s doing on the phone. Problems get solved right away; this is very valuable, because lost time is lost money.

Steve Conlon
Executive Vice President
Elite Cellular Accessories



Before we hired CST, we had been working with a one-man outside IT support company. The response time was inadequate. We had trouble getting someone on the phone when we needed them. And they had no ability to scale up when we needed more support.

With CST, anytime anything goes down, they react immediately. You always get a human being on the other end of the phone. And they scale up their support when we need it. That saves us money, because we only pay for the support we need when we need it.

We love our CST support team; they’re extremely knowledgeable and we’ve built a great relationship with them.

Maz Khalfan
Space/Craft Worldwide



Our 20-person New York City office was planning a move from the 19th floor to the 22nd floor within our building. We have a busy day-to-day operation, so the move was very time sensitive. We needed to unplug at the end of the day Friday and be up and running in the new space first thing Monday morning.

We hired CST to handle the IT switchover. But when challenges started cropping up in other areas, CST jumped in to help us far beyond the scope of the original project. The biggest issue was our internet provider wasn’t able to get the cabling done in time. They said they needed two weeks – we learned this on Thursday afternoon.

CST took on the job and was able to get the cabling done for us in 24 hours, running fiber optic up through the stairwells to ensure we’d have internet access Monday. CST also caught several other serious issues our architects had missed, including a glass wall that had been sheetrocked over where we needed to hang TVs.

CST did an incredible job. They essentially ended up serving as the general contractor on the whole move. Their only goal was to make sure all aspects of our build-out were done right. Great people and a great company.

David Evans
Regional Vice President
Esquire Solutions



Our company has offices on Long Island and in North Carolina. CST saved us considerable dollars and significantly improved our communications by migrating our systems to a virtual environment in the cloud, rather than building new servers.

The greatest benefit for us is remote access. Our employees can access all our critical apps wherever they are. Previously, when I got back from business trips, there was a ton of work waiting for me. Now, I can be at a conference in Texas, and I can stay on top of everything using my smartphone or iPad.

As a financial company, the New York State Department of Financial Services requires us to have a disaster recovery plan. CST’s virtual system made it very efficient to put together our plan, which we’ve utilized several times. Even with a power outage on Long Island, our employees were still able to access our critical systems in the cloud.

CST has given us the support we need to grow. They’re in tune with our business model, so they’re able to be pro-active in suggesting what technology would benefit us. Having a different set of eyes on our IT, outside our internal staff, serves an important function. CST is knowledgeable about the full gamut of resources available, so they can recommend the technology that best meets our needs.

Donald Mastroianni
Vice President
Safeguard Credit Counseling



My greatest challenge as IT director for my company is manpower knowledge. It’s impossible to have someone on staff who knows about everything my department needs to address, from network management to security to all the hardware from computers to routers to servers. I’d need a staff of at least 10 to cover everything.

CST gives me the broad expertise I need. Their greatest strength is their vast knowledge in so many different areas. When our company was growing and we needed to expand our network, CST evaluated the situation and was able to recommend the best IT solutions out there, and then work with us to implement it.

For me, CST provides great flexibility. When management says they need a project completed quickly, CST is always able to reassign resources to help us get it done. My internal staff would never be able to handle the workload without CST.

Tony Horber
Director of IT



CST has been our soup-to-nuts IT service provider since we were founded 11 years ago, and we have grown together. They handle all of our desktop support as well as managing our entire infrastructure.  They make our lives easier.  We define the problem and let CST come up with the solution. We don’t have to worry about the myriad of details.

Recently with the increase in ransomware issues, Chris and his team restructured our security structure us make us less vulnerable to malware attacks. Whenever we have any issue, their response time is excellent.

Vinny Luciano
VP of Marketing